
Showing posts from February, 2022

Conventions and Syntax

The structure of a language is referred to as coding syntax, and some standards are necessary for learning to read and write code. I can see why the dot operator is compared to an address in the video. You may effectively separate or access elements of a compound unity with the dot operator. A compound object is one that is made up of a variety elements. Transform, for example, contains position, rotation, and scale, so the dot operator is used to select position. Semicolon is another component of syntax. It is always at the end of a line and is used to conclude statements. Indentation is important but optional in Unity coding, I found. Indentation facilitates code easier to read, and you may add one by pressing the tab key An Example of code that embeds Convention and Syntax   Source: Unity 

Beginner Scripting and Variables and Functions

Source: Unity    What are scripts ? Scripts are function components which might be applied to GameObjects and modified via the Unity Inspector. A script is a collection of C# code that runs in the "play" state. Scripts can also be used to modify the development process in Unity by creating tools. Variables and Functions  Consider variables to be boxes containing specific information. We begin our variable definition by identifying the box type. It could be a whole number or an inc (integer). The declaration is the first portion, and the initialisation is the second. You just provide start and void update functions when you construct a script. When the item in this script is attached, start is called. To gain any value in the game, use a Dbug.log

Unity Tutorial 03

  Screenshot of my Unity  This week's tutorials were heavily code-based, making it difficult to comprehend. My character now has a health bar, as well as a mechanism to recover health. Triggers were employed to do this.I learned how to apply and use triggers more effectively.Triggers are a unique type of Collider. They do not however stop you from moving, but the Mechanics System still checks to see if you'll collide with them. When your character approaches a Trigger, it sends you a notification so you can deal with it. I applied the same knowledge in the other tutorial to harm the character when they were in a specific zone. I added a Ruby-damaging zone. This will be identical to the health collectible, with the exception that the health will be reduced by one and it will not destroy itself when the character activates it. Overall, this instruction learned many things, but I still need to go over the code again to fully comprehend it.

tech Task

  I really enjoyed this tech task, I loved browsing the images on the website to find the one I think would be appropriate to use. I think I will go back to this website again to make a few more memes for my friends and tell them about it. 

Tutorial 02

  Screenshot of my Unity In the first part of this tutorial, we had to Decorate the World.  I added the metal box to the scene, then in the project settings and graphics I changed the Transparency Sort Axis coordinates: x = 0 y = 1 z = 0. This instructs Unity to draw Sprites based on their y-axis position. When I select the Ruby GameObject, In the Inspector, I Change the Sprite Sort Point to Pivot. The single Sprite Pivot was then positioned to the bottom. I Adjusted the Pivots I set the Custom Pivot in the Sprite Editor to 0.5 in x and 0 in y. This section was new to me, yet it was quite simple to comprehend. I then created a prefab folder and dragged the assets to build my environment.  Overall this tutorial was quite simple to do and understand and had no problems. The second tutorial was World Interactions. I changed the script for my character Ruby's controller so that she can clash with the world instead of passing through objects. I did this by utilising another po...


Source: Explain That Stuff  In this weeks we had a presentation with Lindsey Dowling,  she covered how to book into the library and also how to access and use the library's website and also how to use Moodle and the LibGuideds  Linsey also covered the topic about Academic skills, the types of sources and how to find them, the keyword searching method, Search skills Analysing & organising your search results and most importantly Referencing. From this presentation I have learned to mix and match the materials. To be inclusive and to add to your research, it's fine to use non-academic and non-text sources. Another topic Lindsey covered was Plagiarism. I learned there are two types of plagiarism: Intentional and Unintentional. I also discovered it's crucial to note that the Harvard Referencing System has two steps, and you must complete both: Citations  Reference list.  Also during this week we were introduced into the Research Matrix Method. It is a usefu...

Unity Tutorial 01

 I revisited the Unity tutorials this week. This time was a little different because we had three options to choose from. I chose the path of making a 2D game. I chose this because I built a 3D game last semester but never had the opportunity to build a 2D game. I also wanted to expand my understanding of 2D game development.Ruby's Adventure: 2D Beginner Project was the name of the game I made.  The first part aided us to get us started. I Create a new scene, add the main character (Ruby), and wrote  first screenplay to move the main character in the first segment. All of this came naturally to me because I had already completed this process multiple times throughout the previous semester. In the second section of the lesson, I gave the game some keyboard input. First, I changed my code to have Ruby on the X axis from left to right. Then I wrote code to have Ruby go from left to right and up and down the screen. I learned how to Paint on Tilemap with Tiles, generate Til...