Game Design

 What is a game?

Source: Flickr

From my analysis, and personal perception of games this question I proposed 'what is a game?' can be answered in several ways.  A game consist of rules and obstacles to navigate the player to the end goal.

 Games can be creative, in order to have an enjoyable game it must consist a good narrative for the user to enjoy. 

The components of a game; rules, action and storyline. If you want to have a captivating game, construct rules of what your player can or cannot do while playing the game.

 Conflict is an important aspect, as a result of a game procedures and rules that impede a player from attaining their aim. Players are frequently led to these conflict situations by their objectives. 

Another crucial factor to consider is goals. What is the user trying to achieve? A goal provides direction, attention and measurable results.  A objective is a way to gauge the effectiveness of a game interaction. 

Despite the fact they are simulation of something genuine, games are entertaining, they are mere fiction. Gaming maybe considered as a hobby, individuals take it serious and dedicate their day gaming. 

Additionally, games are quite different and are developed different too.  Different developers use different platforms or software to create their game. As you're creating a game, it may appear to be absurd, but it's an idea that can be developed.  When developing a game it's a process that takes times to build. 

It will take several mistakes and trials in order for your vision to come alive while in the process of creating your game.  

Finally, I also learned that games can adapt over time to catch up the new technology e.g a card game can now transform into digitally. 

If you want to expand your ideas, these are techniques to consider when you're in the creative zone. 


Among the methods I learned, brainstorming is the most common and well-known. Several companies use this method, and it is the only method I have personally used and learned. 

Once you have the basics, who is your audience? what type of game genre? A solid storyline and character and goals. Having your own ideas. In the brainstorming session, collect and record suggestions as people begin to share and build upon each other's ideas. 

The Ramsey Method 

Ramsey proposed the idea that, by carefully examining large amounts of information, you can uncover new information or discover inconspicuous links. Furthermore, this theory can also be used in the opposite direction to create previously undetectable concept. Effectiveness of this method depends on two things: the amount of information received and the time spent studying it.

  Here are the articles I have read.

"What is a game, Anyway" by Ian Schreiber Source

 "Organic Nature of Game Ideation" By Annakaisa Kultima source 

"Four basic methods for generation ideas" by  Vasiliev llya Source


  1. Great blog piece Alex just by reading this I'm so excited to see what you'll produce by the end of the semester. Good Luck

  2. Hey Alex!
    Yes I also think that goals is a crucial factor to games as without them but I feel like artistic games are excluded out of that factor they don’t necessarily need “goals”. Thank you for including the techniques I feel like I learned so much from this blog post. I can’t wait to see more of your posts!

  3. Can I just say I love how simple and straightforward you write your experiences. It is a step by step guide that I could follow no problem at all. I do also agree with a lot of your points with how some people use gaming as a hobby but some are more serious. depending on my mood and workload, I am the latter. I am a huge gamer but due to full time work and college I simply just cant make time to game which makes me sad.

    Your layout is spot on, from the compents and how a game is made, to the goal. simple, straigtforward and to the point. A lot of info in as little words as possible. makes it so much easier to read. I never heard of the Ramsey method though, too much information for me and my brain shuts down and wont process much more. but thtats just me. I need bits a time.


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