Growth Mindset

 I have never learned about Carol Dweck, but I have known about growth mindset for some time now. Today I learned about growth mindset in this task by watching Carol Dweck Ted Talks  

Growth mindset is engaging in the process of learning in order to achieve a goal that is to praise the process, efforts, strategies, focus and perseverance and not the intelligence and talent. Growth mindset is an equal way in learning. If you're in the mindset of a growth mindset the neurones in the brain make a stronger connection to be smarter. In growth mindset intelligence can be developed with effort, dedication, learning and mentorship. 

Personally, I do see myself on the middle of the growth-fixed mindset scale when it comes to college work. When I was finding one particular module challenging in last semester I had the mindset to give up.  In my activities such as making music I do tend to go towards a fixed mindset. 

In my own learning I discovered I do seek praise for finding things easier rather than getting praised for the process. 

I would love to learn more about growth mindset, as it can improve many aspect of your life such as relationships and hobbies not just for academic purposes. 

My personal learning goal this semester is to be more organised and learn how to multitask in order to balance college work and social life. 

Fix vs Growth mindset
by Pinterest 
Source: here


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