Game Elements


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In this lesson, I learnt how to build a critical vocabulary for talking about games. We need a way to dissect and analyse a game by discussing its various components. This will come in handy when discussing creating our own game.

I read the abstract " What are the qualities of a game" There is motifs that keep coming up: games have rules, conflict, goals e.c.t... Games are activities that take place outside of everyday life and are artificial/safe.

The definition of “game,” none of them are perfect, we can identify some emergent trends that can shed light on the kinds of things that we as game designers need to build if we are to make games. Some of the things game designers might consider when looking at these atoms, are listed below:

PlayersObjectives  ● Rules ● Resources and Resource Management ● Game State ● Information ● Sequencing ● Player Interaction ● Theme (Narrative, Backstory, Setting) ● Games as Systems

Another abstract I read was, "Formal Abstract Design Tools" . It is useful because it highlights how the lack of a standard design vocabulary is the fundamental impediment to design evolution. As game designers, fun or not fun is only the start of analysing a game. We could break down a game into its constituent bits and try to figure out how they work together. A more specific terminology would aid our comprehension and ability to create games. I love the phrase "You don't build a house out of tools; you build it with tools. Games are the same way" from the abstract.

Finally, I read "Paper prototyping and Iterative Design"This is  a series of posts on the paper prototype process that led to the creation of The Fall of the Last City, a board game by Chris Barney. It explains the importance of of paper prototype. It was very informative and explains before creating your game on software, create it with paper and test it with friends and family in order to get feedback, how to improve the game and what type of game shall it be, how the players interact and should the game be digital or board game. 


"Formal Abstract Design Tools" by Dough Church

"Paper prototyping and Iterative Design" by Chris Barney 



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